About Our Documentation
About Our Documentation
All our technical information is hosted online. This allows us to keep everything more up-to-date and provides a more central repository of information.
If you find a problem with a page or have a question, please contact us, or leave a comment on the page.
You may also notice the URL includes atlassian. We are using their Confluence tool to host this documentation and this is a side-effect of their on-demand system.
Useful things to know:
- The documentation is divided by product. Use the navigation on the left hand side of the page to select your product
- Each product has sections for the Module documentation and Development Kit documentation
- This site also hosts schematics, libraries and other useful design files for each product
- There is a search feature at the top of the page if you get stuck looking for the information you need
- The PDF Technical Reference Manuals for Topaz and Opal products have been migrated to this system.
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