This page covers updating the various pieces of software that run on Opal-6. 

Using the USB Mass Storage Gadget (ums)

U-boot includes the ability to access the on-board eMMC via the i.MX6 USB function port.  It shows up on your PC just like a flash drive and allows for quick copying of files to and from Opal-6.

To use this:

  1. Ensure you are connected to the serial debug port of the ODK.
  2. Connect a second USB cable to your PC from the i.MX6 USB port on the development kit.
  3. Run: ums mmc 1 in u-boot. 
  4. The serial console will show a spinning symbol and the MMC partition will be available as a drive on your PC.
  5. Make the modification required using your PC.
  6. CTRL+C will exit UMS mode in u-boot.

Updating u-boot

U-boot can be updated in two ways:

  1. Use the ums to copy the new file to the on-board eMMC.  Type the following on the u-boot command line:
    run update_uboot_from_emmc <enter> 
  2. Copy u-boot.imx to an SD card and type the following on the u-boot command line: 
    run update_uboot_from_sd <enter>  

Updating the Linux Kernel and other files

The Linux kernel and associated files (device tree etc) are located in the boot partition.

Use ums to make this available on your PC and update the files.